The SKDEAS Family Meeting is not just an event; it's a movement. Every two years, families, researchers, and supporters from around the globe come together to share, learn, and inspire. This year, we gathered in Philadelphia to continue our journey toward understanding and advocating for Skraban-Deardorff Syndrome.

Welcome to the SKDEAS Family Meeting video series!
Below, you will find insightful presentations from our esteemed speakers, each an expert in their field, sharing valuable knowledge and advancements related to Skraban-Deardorff Syndrome. These videos are a testament to the dedication and collaborative efforts within our community to improve the lives of those affected.
Current Clinical Understanding of Skraban-Deardorff Syndrome
Moving the Needle: From Diagnosis to Treatment
Genetics Concepts
Genetic Counseling for Skraban-Deardorff Syndrome
Initial Findings from Caregiver-Reported Neurobehavioral Measures in Skraban-Deardorff Syndrome
Challenges in Therapy for Neurodevelopmental Disorders
What the Fruit Fly has to say about Human Neurodevelopmental Disorders
What the Fruit Fly has to say about Human Neurodevelopmental Disorders
WDR26 and the GID Complex
Toilet Training Strategies for Individuals with SKDEAS
Download presentation slides here
SKDEAS Sleep Patterns
Parent Discussion: Alternative Therapies
Parent Discussion: ABA Therapy
Parent Discussion: Speech Therapy Techniques
Welcome from Italy: SorrisInvincibili - Sindrome Skraban Deardorff APS
Our Speakers
Cara Skraban, MD
I am a clinical geneticist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. I work as a full-time clinician and spend most of my days working with patients and families, teaching, and training the next generation of clinical geneticists. Originally from South Florida, I completed my undergraduate degree at Rollins College. I then went to medical school at the University of Virginia where I did my residency training in Pediatrics. Following residency, I came to Philadelphia for my Medical Genetics training at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
As part of my genetics training at CHOP, I conducted research in the laboratory of Dr. Matt Deardorff. During that time, we stumbled onto a patient with a change in the gene WDR26 that eventually brought us to the initial description of the condition, now known as Skraban-Deardorff syndrome, in 2017. Since that time, I have continued to work with these amazing individuals. They are truly awe-inspiring. Their resilience, infectious energy, and pure joy for life makes it easy to instantly fall in love with them and motivates me to want to continue striving to find ways to improve their lives. All it takes is to see them smile and you’re hooked. Their families are the most dedicated and motivated group of people that I have ever had the privilege with which to work, and it is no secret that they are the force behind the success of the Skraban-Deardorff Syndrome Foundation. Without them, none of this would be possible. A sincere thank you to them for everything they do and for the honor of being part of their children’s lives.

Attendees by Country
United States 134
Brazil 13
Canada 10
England 8
Germany 7
Italy 7
Australia 6
France 4
Thailand 4
Ukraine 4
Ireland 3
Switzerland 3
India 2
Norway 2
Poland 2
Russia 2
Spain 2

Locations in Attendance
Alabama Huntsville
Arizona Phoenix | Tucson
Arkansas Benton
Australia Brisbane | Queensland
Brazil Santos | Minas Gerais | Sao Paulo
California Fontana | Folsom | Los Angeles | Sacramento | San Diego | San Francisco
Canada British Columbia | Ontario | Quebec
Connecticut Trumbull
England Manchester | Surrey
Florida Jupiter | St. Cloud | Wellington
France Lamballe
Germany Bavaria | Mecklenburg Vorpommern | Frankfort
Hawaii Honolulu
India Karnataka
Indiana Fort Wayne
Ireland Cork
Italy Genoa | Lombardia | Roma
Louisiana Sulphur
Maine Hartland
Massachusetts Boston | Wrentham
Missouri St. Charles
New Jersey Egg Harbor Twp. | Mantua | Princeton | Randolph
North Carolina Charlotte | Monroe | Raleigh
Ohio Bowling Green | Georgetown
Oklahoma Oklahoma City
Spain Barcelona
Switzerland St. Gallen
Tennessee Knoxville
Texas Houston
Thailand Bangkok
Ukraine Lviv
Virginia Oak Hill | Woodbridge
Washington Redmond | Seattle
Wisconsin Sun Prairie | Waukesha
Thank You
The SKDEAS Foundation would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the sponsors whose generous support has been vital to the success of this event. Their dedication and commitment have made a significant impact, enriching the experience for each attendee. We deeply appreciate their partnership and contribution.
How to Show Your Support
Your continued support remains essential as we build on the success of our recent Family Meeting. Every contribution, no matter its size, helps us sustain and expand our efforts. Here's how your generosity makes a difference:
Event Follow-Up: Enhancing post-event materials and resources, ensuring all participants can revisit the valuable insights shared.
Ongoing Research and Education: Supporting continuous education and the dissemination of the latest research findings to our community.
Community Support: Providing ongoing resources and assistance to families, helping them navigate daily challenges with confidence.
Future Planning: Preparing for future meetings and events to keep our community connected and informed.
By donating, you play a crucial role in our journey, helping to ensure that every family touched by Skraban-Deardorff Syndrome has the resources and support they need to thrive.